• Sustainable Tourism
  • Advances in Desalination Nanotechnology
  • Efficient Irrigation for Sustainable Farming
  • Innovative Energy Production from Waste




The Higher Committee of the Zayed International Foundation for the Environment would like to invite nominations for the second cycle of the Emirates Appreciation Award for the Environment (EAAE). The last day for receiving nominations will be: Thursday, the 18th of December 2014.


In light of the UAE VISION 2021 launched by H.H. Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates, the Emirates Appreciation Award for the Environment was founded by H.H. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Dubai, to recognize and promote the values of sustainable living and environmentally conscious initiatives among the UAE Society.


  • To recognize and promote pioneering contributions in the field of the environment and sustainable development at the national level.
  • To recognize outstanding achievements in the field of environment and energy conservation across all sectors of United Arab Emirates society.
  • To support and encourage individual and collective national environmental initiatives that will contribute to the sustainability of development activities, research and innovation.
  • To highlight the initiatives and achievements of industrial and service enterprises which are committed to environmental standards and contribute to the promotion of a culture of environmental awareness among members of society.
  • To raise environmental awareness across all sectors of United Arab Emirates society.

Description and Terms

The Emirates Appreciation Award for the Environment is a one million UAE Dirham biennial prize awarded by its patron, H.H. Sheikh Mohamed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, in a public ceremony to be held in the city of Dubai. Each winner will also receive a Trophy and an Appreciation Certificate.

The Award is divided into 5 categories:

I Environmental Personality 200,000
II Industrial Enterprise  
  Large Industries 100,000
  Small & Medium Industries 100,000
III Educational Institution    
  Universities & Institutes 100,000
  Schools 100,000
IV Innovation/Invention and Environmental Research  
  Innovation / Invention 100,000
  Applied Research 100,000
V Media and Environmental Awareness  
  In Mass Media 100,000
  In Organizations 100,000

General requirements for nomination

1. The Award is open for individuals, Government Institutions, Private Enterprise, and Civil Society Organizations that have substantial achievements in the field of environment
2. Nomination documents should clearly highlight the excellence of achievements and demonstrate the direct involvement of the nominee.
3. The Nomination Form developed by the Higher Committee for this purpose must be used.
4. The nomination form must be accompanied by all the documents supporting the nomination. Candidates shall provide the Jury with any additional documents requested in the time frame specified.
5. The Candidate must facilitate the work of the Jury and allow them to conduct field visits for validation of data and information mentioned in the nomination form and documents when it deems appropriate.
6. Any material submitted for nomination is not returnable.

Terms and requirements of Environmental Personality Award

1. The candidate must be a citizen of the United Arab Emirates.
2. The candidate must have served at least a period of ten years working in the environmental field.
3. The candidate must have outstanding contributions at the local, regional or international levels related to the environment.
4. The nomination shall be supported by the following:
 a. Documents that prove the contributions of the candidate.
 b. A summary of the biography illustrating the achievements and outstanding contributions in the field of environment.

Terms and requirements of Industrial Enterprise Award

1. The candidate enterprise shall have achievements of environmental excellence in the United Arab Emirates.
2. The enterprise shall observe the environmental standards set forth by the Ministry of the Environment and Water and competent authorities.
3. The enterprise shall have been engaged in activity within the United Arab Emirates for at least five consecutive years.

Terms and requirements of Educational Institution Award

1. The Educational Institution shall have a compliance policy to observe environmental criteria and sustainable development applications.
2. The candidate institution shall have programs or activities that reinforce the concept of environmental sustainability.
3. The institution shall have been active within the United Arab Emirates for at least five consecutive years.

Terms and requirements of the Innovation, Invention and Environmental Research Award

1. The nominated work or achievement has been applied, applicable or has clear environmental benefits.
2. The invention, innovation or research shall have contributed to solving an environmental problem or conservation of natural resources and energy.

Terms and requirements of Media and Environmental Awareness Award

1. This prize includes media and field programs.
2. The work should be innovative, taking into account intellectual property rights.
3. Winners can be individuals or organizations.
4. The winner shall give approval to publish the submitted work on the website of the Foundation.


1. Nominees shall fill out the nomination form
2. All documents should be e-mailed or posted to the following address not later than the Deadline specified in the Award Schedule:
Suite # 504 API Tower, Sheikh ZayedRoad.
P.O.Box 28399
Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Tel : + 971 4 3326666
Fax : +971 4 3326777
Email : uaeaward@zayedprize.org.ae

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