The following general conditions regulate the use of ‘Zayed Prize Green Challenge’ app.
The app requires you to sign up either with an email id and password or through the socialmedia accounts in order to access and use its features. Your login credentials are personal toyou and all content or instructions transmitted by or received from anyone presenting yourpassword on the application will be deemed binding on you.
We allow users to register either with the email or with other application authentication option tocreate an account/profile within a service.
We respect and intend to protect user’s privacy anddo not disclose the information collected to any for any other purpose.
Any use of the contents of the app, including all the information, pictures, videos, text,illustrations, audio, database, proprietary information and all copyrightable or otherwise legallyprotectable elements of the application which may be the property of Zayed InternationalFoundation for the Environment and other respective owners, will be liable for legal action.
Any individual is eligible to participate in the game. However, any staff of this organization, orany app developer relatives/friends who are directly or indirectly involved in the creation andrunning of the application can participate in the game, but will not be eligible to claim prizemoney.
In order to improve user experience, we may need to add new or remove existing features andcontent in the application. We may create new versions or update the existing as and whenrequired, and by agreeing to the terms and conditions, you permit for the automatic updating.
Zayed International Foundation for the Environment reserves all the rights, at any time, todiscontinue any aspect, content or feature of the application, as well as any aspect pertaining touse of the application.
You acknowledge and agree that you will not:
- use our Services to harm anyone or to cause offence to or harass any person;
- create more than one account per platform to access our Services;
- use another person or entity’s email address in order to sign up to use our Services;
- use our Services for fraudulent or abusive purposes (including, without limitation, byusing our Services to impersonate any person or entity, or otherwise misrepresent youraffiliation with a person, entity or our Services);
- disguise, anonymise or hide your IP address or the source of any Content that you mayupload;
- use our Services for any commercial or business purpose or for the benefit of any thirdparty or to send unsolicited communications;
- remove or amend any proprietary notices or other ownership information from ourGames or any other part of our Services;
- interfere with or disrupt our Services or servers or networks that provide our Services;
- attempt to decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or hack any of our Services, or todefeat or overcome any of our encryption technologies or security measures or datatransmitted, processed or stored by us;
- disrupt the normal flow of this game or otherwise act in a manner that is likely tonegatively affect other players' ability to compete fairly when playing our game orengaging in real time exchanges;
- use our Services in violation of any applicable law or regulation;
- use our Services to cheat or design or assist in cheating (for example, by usingautomated means or third party software to play), or to otherwise circumventtechnological measures designed to control access to, or elements of, our Services, orto do anything else that a reasonable person is likely to believe is not within the spirit offair play or these terms; or
- use our Services in any other way not permitted by these terms.
Our reservations to exercise or enforce any of our rights under these terms does not waive ourright to enforce such right. Any waiver of such rights shall only be effective if it is in writing andsigned by us.
Most concerns can be solved quickly by contacting us at mail@zayedprize.org.ae. In theunlikely event that we do not resolve your concern, any legal proceedings shall be governed orlimited by and construed in accordance within the laws of United Arab Emirates.
This Agreement is entered into the Emirate of Dubai and shall be governed by and constructedin accordance with the federal laws of the United Arab Emirates. Failure to comply with anyterms and conditions of this agreement will also be liable to be prosecution in accordance withthe federal laws of the United Arab Emirates.
Zayed International Foundation for the Environment reserves all the rights, at any time and fromtime to time, for any reason in our sole discretion, amend or modify the terms of this agreementor impose new conditions at any time. We may notify the changes through the app. Any use ofthe app by you after such notice shall be deemed to constitute acceptance by you of suchamendments, modifications or new conditions. You are responsible for regularly reviewing theseterms, conditions and notices.
User can attend 10 or more questions, but the first 10 will be counted while selecting the winner.Winner would be selected based on most number of right answers given within the shortesttime. ‘Smart Mind’ segment is not a prize-winning category or a competition.
You expressly acknowledge and agree that you have read all the terms and understand allrights, obligations, terms and conditions set forth herein. By clicking on the accept button and/orcontinuing to use the service, you expressly consent to be bound by these terms and conditions.